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DT Series Dynamometers

The DT Series is designed to be quickly and easily fitted to an engine mounted on a fixed base or mobile engine stand. When combined with a Go Power instrumentation package, it allows  precise and repeatable testing results with minimum set up time.

The DT1000SG is designed for use with light to medium duty diesel engines at speeds up to 3500 rpm continuous and 4000 rpm intermittently. The power absorption profile is uniquely suited for testing piston-type aircraft engines such as Lycoming and Teledyne Continental.

The larger DT-range (DT2000SG and DT3000SG) are used with industrial diesel engines at speeds up to 5000 rpm. They can also be used in driveshaft applications. We manufacture many dynamometer stands to suit practically any test setup. When a chassis dynamometer is not practical or available, the DT-series dynamometers can be fitted with our IFA-D2000 in-frame adapter. This device can be mounted within the driveline of heavy-duty trucks for in-vehicle engine testing.

Keep in mind all Go Power dynos can be purchased as a complete package, called the Essential Dynamometer Package (EDP) which includes a torque calibration arm, manual load control valve set, a digital display console or a data acquisition system, and an interface harness kit. 

Anonim Anonim Author



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